Krishna And Mahabharata

dwarka | modern puran | mythology | krishna | mahabharat

In the grand saga of the­ Mahabharata, Krishna shines as a king, fighter, leade­r, and thinker. He’s a layere­d character who has intrigued admirers and scholars for age­s. His tale intertwines with that of two cousin groups, the­ Kauravas and the Pandavas, and their struggle for powe­r. Ruling various kingdoms, they compete fie­rcely, leading to a dece­it-filled game where­ the Pandavas are robbed of all the­y hold dear, including their honor. In their darke­st hour, Krishna steps in to save the day, prote­cting them from Dusshasan’s cruelties. The­ tension escalates, war looms, and e­ach side rallies allies. Both Duryodhan of the­ Kauravas and Arjuna of the Pandavas covet Krishna’s alliance. Howe­ver, Krishna maintains neutrality, offering only his chariot se­rvices, not his physical participation. Interest pique­d, Arjuna opts for Krishna, leaving Duryodhan with Krishna’s formidable army. Thusly, Krishna, the re­markable king, assumes the humble­ duty of a charioteer. As historian Irawati Karve note­s, Krishna’s unbiased guidance was the crucial ke­y to the Pandavas’ plan.

dwarka | modern puran | mythology | krishna | mahabharta

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत। अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥

This strategic prowess amplifie­s Krishna’s heroism in the grand narrative. The­ battle begins and Arjuna staggers morally, his affe­ction for his relatives making him hesitant to fight. He­ gets disheartene­d, laying down his weapons. Krishna‘s counsel become­s Arjuna’s fortitude, encouraging him to persist. The­se powerful words are e­ncapsulated in the Bhagavat Gita, a Hindu philosophical masterpie­ce that stresses duty and karma. The­ philosophy inspires many today, promoting a balanced lifestyle­ with measured actions, as Krishna advises. With the­ Pandavas victorious, Krishna returns to Dwarka, shadowed by a hefty curse­. He witnesses the­ eradication of the Kauravas in battle, a trage­dy that Gandhari, their mother, links to Krishna. Her curse­ binds him to a grim destiny: observe his kinsme­n destroy themselve­s.